Starting Strength Wikia
File:Anterior Hip Muscles 2.PNG

The iliacus and nearby muscles


Iliac colon, sigmoid or pelvic colon, and rectum seen from the front, after removal of pubic bones and bladder. (Ilio-psoas labeled at center right.)

In human anatomy, the hip flexors are a group of muscles (including the iliopsoas which passes through the pelvis) that act to flex the femur onto the lumbo-pelvic complex.

The hip flexors are considered to be the most important muscle in the running process.

The hip flexors include:

  • Collectively known as the Iliopsoas:
    • Psoas major muscle
    • Psoas minor muscle
    • Iliacus muscle
  • Part of the Quadriceps:
    • Rectus femoris muscle
  • Anterior compartment of thigh
    • Sartorius muscle
  • Medial compartment of thigh
    • Pectineus muscle
    • Adductor longus muscle
    • Adductor brevis muscle
  • Tensor fasciae latae
